Saturday, February 20, 2010


You know that OR Rush, along with LOSC, Magic and the rest, are all just teams. They are all made up of a number of players & coaches who are striving for a couple common goals; the development of their players, and to do the best they can at State Cup. In this way, they are all the same. What differentiates the teams is not the color of their jersey or the color of their skin. What differentiates a successful team from an also-ran is what's inside.

It's whats inside their head. Their mental make up. Their ability to recognize when things aren't going great, the symptoms, and do what it takes to regain that greatness. Individually and then collectively as a team.

It's whats inside their chest. Their heart. Their passion for the game. Their decision not to take defeat or mediocrity lightly but to sacrifice whatever they have to improve themselves and better their team. And to expect nothing less from their teammates. To trust in one another.

This Sodium, is the greatness I have witnessed from you in the past, and the greatness you will experience again in the future.

Take these last few games and learn; Did you give everything you had? Did you leave your best on the field or keep 50% in reserve? You can accomplish great things if you put your minds and hearts behind yourself and your team.

Tomorrow we take on an admirable foe in OR Rush. A team who has experienced setbacks and overcome them. A team, like ours, that has experienced greatness. What will set us apart tomorrow is what we have inside. Our ability to rise up and meet any challenge head on. To experience victory in the face of defeat. Your ability to sacrifice so the girl next to you can succeed. For you will rise as one. United.

Trust in yourself. Trust in your team.

Those who believe yell; GO SODIUM!!