Tuesday, June 16, 2009

United Cup Bracket & Schedule

OK folks, below is Sodium's United Cup schedule. If this doesn't make you shake with excitement then you better make sure you have a pulse! Not only is this bracket winnable, in my opinion, none of the games should be close with the talent we are putting on the field this season.

The Schedule

Friday 6/26 - 9am Sherwood Farce vs. THUSC Sodium @ Powerlines
During state cup their coach scouted us for several games. We ended up in a tie and winning on PK's. Not this year. Let the coach scout us all he wants. There will be no stopping the lady warriors this time.

Saturday 6/27 - 10:30am PCU Impact vs. THUSC Sodium @ Powerlines
PCU has never been a problem for Sodium and it will not be any different this year.

Saturday 6/27 - 6:00pm THUSC Sodium vs. Clackamas Elite @ Powerlines
Clackamas is not in the same league in anyone's mind.

Sunday 6/28 - 11:00am THUSC Sodium vs. Southside Hotspud @ Beaverton HS
Revenge is best served cold. For 57 days the thought of the loss in the quarters has been boiling in Sodium. Today will be the day to let it out. We took their U15 team, now it's time to inflict some pain, payback time. If any, and I mean ANY Sodium player isn't as jacked up for this game as they would be for a championship match, they shouldn't be on the field. Let the bodies hit the turf!

Sunday 6/28 - 3:00pm Semi Final #1 Winner vs. Semi Final #2 Winner @ Rec Center
See you there.

The Rules
2 - 25 minute halves
Point system breakdown;
6 - Win
3 - Tie
0 - Loss
1 - Shut Out
1 - Every goal scored up to 3

Max 10 points/game

Notes from the Sidelines:
United Cup is OUR tournament lady warriors. Sponsored by United, played in our house. This is our chance to showcase our talents and let the other teams know what they are in for this season. If we can come out hot and dominate like I know we can, we should send a pretty strong message. You will notice there is no FC Portland, WSM Strikers, ESU Arsenal or LOSC this year. We know why LOSC isn't here but the rest? I am wondering if they all may be hanging back a little to see what shakes out. I think we will all get a good taste of what's in store soon enough. In the mean time, go out and give it your all, Sodium Style and let the shots fall where they may. Best of luck Sodium!

From the sidelines the faithful scream; GO SODIUM!