Thursday, April 1, 2010


OK, so after last nights enormous email blunder, and I sincerely apologize again, I am taking Pam Reid's suggestion and checking myself into rehab. I found a nice place, The Dick Butkus Center For Overly Excitable Ex-Coaches, Parents, Fans & Bloggers. They specialize in helping to calm self-proclaimed 'know-it-alls' who try to re-live the 'old days' vicariously through their children, all while making a fool of themselves and pissing people off. Sounds right up my alley as I should be welcomed with open arms. The program should take me through May so don't expect any tirades from me during State Cup. Sorry to disappoint because I know how you all like to stand next to me and listen as my voice bellows across the open pitch with non-fact-based tidbits of stupidity. You can now find me quietly watching from the stands reading my copy of "Laws of the Game".

One game at a time....