Friday, March 12, 2010

Sodium invades Irvine

The lady warriors will ascend on Irvine California this afternoon to take part in the Irvine Spring Classic tournament. Several Sodium players will be unavailable for the trip so we have extended the invitation to two former U12 Sodium players, Bailey and Bethany Hall, and their team mate, Natalie Higgins. All of whom currently play for West Coast FC.
A sincere THANK YOU goes out to these great players for helping out on one of the few weekends they have free.

The Schedule
Now, I know nothing about the teams Sodium is to face in Irvine other than their names;
3/13/10 vs AMFC Barcelona @ 11:45AM
3/13/10 vs PVSC Elite Black @ 3:30PM

3/14/10 vs Carlsbad lightening Red @ 9:15AM
3/14/10 vs Scottsdale Blackhawks @ 1:00PM

Consolation & Championships in afternoon.

I have all the chaperone's wired to send me updates & photos for me to post so keep checking back.

Have a great time, be safe and.....GO SODIUM!!