Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Look what I found....!

Did you guys ever realize that Sodium has its OWN message board? I set it up last year and there is actually a link to the right. I went there today and found a great post from a couple of former Sodium team mates;  

[February 17, 2010]
Bethany and Bailey checking in... We hope to reunite in New Mexico... Work hard Girls... Never give up, never back down, never lose faith... -) The 2010 State Champs will be crowned.. Sodium are you ready???

Pretty inspirational. Pretty cool. 

Are you UP for this challenge Sodium? Do you believe........we do. Your loyal parents, fans and coaches believe. The time is now to fan the flames lady warriors. The time is now to remember the lessons, the sweat, blood and tears of the games leading up to this point. To funnel the energy of the sacrifices made and the battles fought into a final series of games. The passion and desire burns hot in Sodium. We have something to prove after last year. The 2010 State Cup can be our State Cup. Sodium's State Cup. 

Keep the focus and keep the faith. As B&B said; "NEVER give up, NEVER back down, NEVER lose faith.

Team on 3...