Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Lake Oswego Parent Voices His Opinion

In an email sent to Tom a Lake Oswego parent, Dean Geist, voiced his opinion about the blog. I interpreted his email as vile as he proceeded to call the entries 'Unsportsman-like' and referred to them as lacking courtesy and respect. He continued by misquoting a post and saying how their parents are offended and that now their kids are aware of my "diatribes". At one point he even mentions how 'embarrassed' he was for the Sodium girls and their parents and even stooped so low as to call me names.

In response I apologized to Mr. Geist for any anxiety the blog may have caused him, their team or parents and let him know we have the utmost respect for the Extreme team (which his daughter plays for) and that the blog was meant to be a lighthearted vessel to pass on information within the Sodium organization. I informed him that the blog has nothing to do with THUSC (no one that I know reads it including Tom) and that, in the future, if he would like to comment he can do it directly through the blog comment section or send me an email directly.

If any of the Sodium blog followers would like a copy of the original email and my response, just fire me off an email and I will happily send you one.

Moving forward:
Rest assured loyal followers that this will have no affect on my writing style or the attitude and content of future posts. As a matter-of-fact, now that I know the Lake Oswego folks are reading it regularly, I may have to spice it up a bit!
But seriously, I have given kudos to other teams/players and use the blog to positively impact OUR players and team. If other teams and their players read it and get all offended then I guess we have won the "mental" game. They get rattled by us months before we even take the field! I will say this; I will always promote Sodium and THUSC. I will post the great things they have and will achieve this season and beyond. I will pump up their achievements and I will point out their short falls so they can learn and improve. I played and coached with fire and passion and I will blog with that same emotion and enthusiasm. If another team doesn't like it then I suggest getting out of our way.
Tom informed me that we share the same mindset when it comes to the blog; "If you don't like it, don't read it!" So really people, if I have said anything that you find offensive, just click the "X" and move on to the next site.

This will be the last post in regards to this subject. I don't have the time or patience to commit to such follies. There is soccer to played and teams to be scouted. Onward and upward loyal Sodium fans, United Cup is just around the corner and their are victories afoot!

Into the face of the opposition we yell; GO SODIUM!!