Thanks to Terry Priest for scoping out the Spring schedule so I could post it here.
OK folks, looks like we start right out of the gate taking on two powerhouse teams in USA Hotshots and LOSC Extreme respectively. So the time is NOW to start thinking about getting after it because every game in the Spring counts towards League standings AND State Cup placement so none of them can be taken for granted. Let's come out fired up and ready to be the best we can be, as prepared as we can be and as mentally tough as we can be. There isn't a team in this league that anyone can say is better than you Sodium, the time in NOW to prove it.
Spring League Schedule:
2/6/10 vs United SA Hotshots - West Salem HS 9:00AM
2/7/10 vs LOSC Extreme - Hazelia Field 9:30AM
2/13/10 vs EMFC Magic - REC #2 2:15PM
2/14/10 vs FC Portland - REC #2 2:30PM
2/20/10 vs SSC Hotspur - Tigard HS 12:00PM
2/21/10 vs OR Rush 95 - Aloha HS 9:00AM
3/6/10 vs United SA Hotshots - Aloha HS 4:30PM
3/7/10 vs SSC Hotspur - REC #2 2:45PM
To view the entire bracket click here.
From under the umbrellas the Sodium fans yell; GO SODIUM!!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Spring League Schedule Posted
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Comment Response
Well, it seems I am now being scrutinized for my verbiage and intentionally omitting facts. I know it’s a slow period for soccer right now so I guess people need to find other areas for which to attack.
Below is a post from, you guessed it, Anonymous. It is in response to the 12/26/09 post entitled; ‘Oregon State 7 v 7 Indoor Tournament’. If you recall; Sodium lost its first game, tied the second, and then went on to win the tournament. The poster seems to have an issue with the fact that I said Sodium ‘Waltzed through’ the tournament. Please go that post and read the original comment and my reply. My responses are bold.
Newest Comment;
“You are correct. You can post whatever you want, it is your blog. However, you have said many times that if we have comments, to post them here. (Correct, I have never received a comment I didn’t post.) I am just pointing out facts. In Corvallis last year, you did not “waltz through”. That is a fact. (Your opinion. In my opinion we did.) Second, you losing in Tualatin is also fact. Just surprised that it was never mentioned. (Why is that surprising? It was insignificant and thus wasn’t “blogworthly” in my opinion.) You claimed to dominate in one, which was untrue and forgot to mention the other. (If you think losing the first, tying the second and then beating all other teams, including those first two, to take home the first place trophy is not domination, you are watching the wrong tournament. Again, I didn’t feel the Tualatin tournament was worth posting because I don’t even think we had ¼ of our roster. Not a fare assessment of the teams ability really.) And FYI- those talented high school players that you will supposedly play against in Corvallis this year will not be there. Those players will be at the FC Portland College Showcase that is the same weekend.” (So I guess the outcome will be same this year, Sodium will take home the Championship and have a three-peat! Good effort to downplay the tournament and attempt to dishearten the girls. Pretty brave of you, Mr/Mrs Anonymous poster.)
So, as you can plainly see, this poster seems to be upset I didn't mention us not winning a tournament and the fact I used the term ‘Waltzed through’ when describing Sodium’s route to take home the Championship. Again, if you don’t like or agree with what’s written here, don’t read it.
This blog is written to chronicle the achievements of the Sodium team. Both the good and the bad will be chronicled. This is a place to read about the games and what the girls are doing to bolster stewardship within the community, raise funds and everything else. If I omit something it is because I either didn’t remember (as with the case above), didn't feel it could be used as a learning tool or it was insignificant. I always try to add some humor and keep things light. The blog is for the betterment of the team. Period.
If parents, players, coaches and fans read it, great! If they don’t, great! Either way, it doesn’t matter to me.
Change to Comment Process;
Because I get really sick and tired of commenter’s hiding behind the “Anonymous” moniker, I am changing the policies a bit. From now on, in order to post a comment on the blog, you will need to register. Sorry, but it’s just another example of a few spoiling it for the majority.
Looking forward to OSU.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Futsal Recap Through 12/21
The Sodium squad posted a pair of wins this weekend over Laker TNT and SSC Hotspur teams.
Sodium is definitely on a roll as they tune up their skills in preparation for the OSU Indoor tournament. Sodium, the 2-time defending Champion, will look to start off 2010 with a "Three-Peat"!
On Monday night Sodium defeated WSM Venom with our own Kevin Camp at the helm! Nice Job Kevin!
Next up
1/3/2010 Sodium Green vs Sodium Black @ 1:00PM.
1/9/2010 & 1/10/2010
Sodium plays a couple select Idaho teams that are traveling to Portland to play some of the THUSC teams.
Hope everyone had a great Holiday and will have a safe & joyous New Year!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Futsal Recap Through 12/13
The Sodium squad has been busy fighting the elements as well as Futsal opponents this season.
W - 12/6 vs PCU White
L - 12/11 vs Zevzda
W - 12/13 vs PCU Blue
L - 12/6 vs Laker TNT
W - 12/13 vs PCU White
Next Up:
Sunday 12/20/09
Black vs Laker TNT @ 10:30AM
Green vs SSC Hotspur @ 2:40PM
Monday 12/21/09
Black [DNP]
Green vs WSM Venom @ 1:20PM
Sunday 1/3 [last game]
THUSC Black vs THUSC Green @ 1:00PM
The Futsal season has proved to be very instructional for the Sodium squad. Precise passing, lightening fast decisions and spot on rotations are all part of the game. I think the skills developed by this program will prove to be a positive as we move into the OSU Indoor tournament and on to the remaining league games February 6th.
Great job ladies!
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Oregon State 7 v 7 Indoor Tournament
Sodium is once again going to strut its stuff in Corvallis for the 7 v 7 indoor tournament January 17th.
Last year Sodium waltzed through the U14 age bracket to take home the hardware in dominating fashion. This year the girls are placed in the high school division to test their metal against some of Oregon's talented high school players.
Head South to watch the excitement at the Truax Center and remember...........
Monday, November 30, 2009
Sodium notches another Futsal win
The Sodium 'Black' squad steamrolled to another Futsal victory over SSC Hostspur on Sunday. According to coach Frey the Black team is firing on cylinders with the girls all contributing solid performances.
Great job ladies, keep up the great (foot) work!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
To all the loyal Sodium fans, parents and coaches I would like to extend to you a heartfelt HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
Hope your long weekend is filled with joy, laughter and the love of friends and family.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
The Black & Green take care of business
Both the Green and Black squads took care of business on the carpet at Tualatin Indoor Soccer Complex.
The Green squad posted a victory over PCU Albion (Blue) and the Black over WSM Venom.
Great jobs lady warriors!
Sunday 11/29 - 12:10PM vs SSC Hotspur
Sunday 12/6 - 8:50AM vs PCU Albion (White)
Friday 12/11 - 5:30PM vs Zveda
Sunday 12/13 - 11:20AM vs PCU Albion (Blue)
Sunday 12/20 - 10:30AM vs Laker TNT
Sunday 1/2 - 1:00PM vs THUSC Sodium Green
Sunday 12/6 - 11:20AM vs Laker TNT
Sunday 12/13 - 12:10PM vs PCU Albion (White)
Sunday 12/20 - 2:40PM vs SSC Hotspur
Monday 12/21 - 1:20PM vs WSM Venom
Sunday 1/3 - 1:00PM vs THUSC Sodium Black
Best of luck in the coming games!
High School Update
Last night the Jesuit Crusader girls varsity soccer team won the Oregon State Championship with a win over the Westview Wildcats.
Congratulations Crusader Girls!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Futsal - an interesting game
The lady warriors embarked on a new venture this evening a Tualatin Indoor Soccer complex, Futsal.
Smaller field (half a regular indoor field), smaller goals, smaller defalted ball, no throw ins or goalie kicks but all kinds of fast paced, high scoring ACTION!
There are 4 players and a goalie on the field. You only have a slpit second to make a decision, pass or shoot, sprint or drop. It is pretty wild and I recommend that if you haven't ever watched a futsal game (2 x 22 minute halfs with a 1 minute half-time), you come watch Sodium this season. It is pure enjoyment. The girls get a great work out and a chance to work on footskills like never before.
Tonights recap
Sodium split into two teams for the first game, black & green. They played each other to get a good feel for the game.
The second game, it turns out, was played against a hand-picked elite team of ODP, id2 players ranging from '94 to '97 with two local high school varsity players from powerhouse Westview.
The lady warriors came out of the box HOT! At one point they were up as many as 4 goals and we thought the route was on. Sodium had them on their heels as they pressured every inbounds and golie touch which created multiple opportunities. New comers Charelene and Easton from WSA fit right into the Sodium mentality of hard driving physical play as they contributed several goals to the cause. Welcome ladies, I think you will like it here.
But, because they are new to the sport, Sodium may have flamed a little early because the select team came inching back and took a two goal lead late. Just as the buzzer was on the verge of blowing, Charlene put an exclamation point on the evening as she rocketed a shot past the keeper as the game ended and Sodium walked with a 10-9 loss. No need to feel bad about this ladies warriors, for the first time out, you did GREAT!!
See you all Sunday.
Monday, November 16, 2009
A Special Thanks to Jill Farley
On behalf of the Sodium team, parents, coaches and fans I would like to extend a sincere "THANK YOU" to Jill Farley and family for playing with us this fall season.
Not only is Jill an incredible force on the field, but her warm personality and bright vibrant smile remind us all why we are out here, to watch our baby girls grow up. (And kick some butt! LOL!)
Thanks Jill, you are always welcome on our roster and we wish you the best of luck in the coming seasons with Ireland.
See you on the pitch!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Sodium Crowned Oregon Premier League Champion!
As it is every time Sodium meets LOSC, a battle of epic proportions. Bodies flying, shots ripped and break-a-ways. I know for a fact that there is many, many sore muscles, bruises and scrapes. Exhausted falls short of describing the Sodium squad and I'm sure LOSC feels the same.
These two teams left everything they had on the field of play this evening as they met for the U14G OPL Championship.
After battling back and forth for 30 minutes the first came to a close deadlocked at 0-0.
The second half proved to be even more fierce than the first. The lady warriors were in attack mode as they compiled run after run at the LOSC defense. The Extreme keeper proved she was incredible time and time again as she stifled the Sodium onslaught. Then, just inside the midway point, a battle emerged in the LOSC 18-yard box. Jill Farley found herself on the left corner where she blasted a shot off the gloves of the diving keeper. Mac Kearney was there to draw first blood and finish the ball into the net! The Sodium fans erupted with cheers!! Smelling fear the lady warriors stepped it up one more notch and within 5 minutes Sodium found themselves with a left side corner kick. Laura Camp took careful aim and let loose a perfect cross where Jill Farley was hugging the far post and headed it in! Again the crowd went nuts!
The never-say-die LOSC squad would not, and will not ever, go down without a fight. For the remaining 17 minutes LOSC put the Sodium defense to the test with constant pressure. Taylor Luty probably touched the ball more in that 17 minute span than she had all tournament to that point.
As the final whistle blew you could see the signs of exhaustion, relief and elation on the girls faces as the fact they had just captured the OPL Championship sunk in.
These teams will surely meet again and again and I'm positive each match will be just as memorable if not more.
Congratulations to both teams for a great tournament and great championship game!
Rest, rest and more rest. Bandage wounds, heal bruises and get ready for indoor season which starts soon.
We are proud of you Sodium. Keep your heads held high and remember this feeling. We start the battle again in spring.
Sodium Advances to OPL Championship
ESUFC gave Sodium all they could handle for 60 minutes of regulation in the OPL Semi-Final match. Back and forth all game the play went. Each keeper being called upon keep their team in the game. Play was physical as free kicks were awarded to both teams throughout the game.
In the end it was Jill Farley from her midfield position that brought the ball deep down the left side and ripped what we thought was going to be an awesome cross, INTO THE NET! The crowd went nuts as Jill was mobbed by her Sodium team mates! Play resumed as there was still time left in OT. The Arsenal squad was relentless as they kept on the attack and the Sodium defense had to muster a little 'Mojo' of their own to keep the play out of the box. Time expired and Sodium advanced to the Championship round. A great game was observed this morning and the crowd showed their appreciation as applause rang out from field #2 as both teams jogged from bench to sideline. Heads up Arsenal, your a great team and this won't be the last time we'll meet in semi or final action!
Unfortunately I don't have any description of the LOSC vs Hotspur game to report other than LOSC advanced. I bet it was a barn burner though!
Sodium vs LOSC for the OPL Championship! 6PM @ REC #2
Soaked and scream'n the fans yell: GO SODIUM!!
OPL Semi Finals & Championship Today
It's time for a little payback lady warriors.
In the Semi Finals we play ESUFC Arsenal. The last time we played them they beat us 2-1. Remember that? Remember how it felt to be beat by them? A team we hadn't lost to in what, 2+ years? A team we beat with 11 players in the Oswego Cup?
Remember that today as you take the field Sodium and know that if you give 100%, play as a team, be patient and play your game, you won't have to feel that feeling again.
From under the umbrellas at field #2 the Sodium faithful yell: GO SODIUM!!
Friday, November 13, 2009
id2 Regional Training Camp
We are honored to have two Sodium players be invited to id2 Regional Training Camp in Frisco, TX.
Congratulations are extended to:
Lexi Frey
Jadyn McMillan
Also invited to this years camp from Oregon;
Chloe Bell - LOSC Extreme [Great job Chloe!]
Hadlie Plummer - OR Rush [Awesome!]
These young athletes will represent Oregon well.
If anyone knows other players from other Oregon teams that were invited please leave me a comment and I will include them as well. This is such a big honor that I would love to recognize all who were invited. Thanks.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Welcome to the WWF!
Wow, I never thought at this age level that I would see a game like we had Tuesday night against OSA Inferno. These girls were big and not afraid to throw down! Literally within the first 3 minutes an OSA forward leveled our middle defender. She wasn't going for the ball in any way. It was a knee driven into the thigh and a hip-check as Taylor brought the ball to her right. The whistle blew, yes. But a card should have been drawn. This particular player racked up at least 3 whistles herself. Unbelievable. Couple that with one of the worst officiated games I have seen all year (and yes, it was bad for both sides) and I am really surprised no one got seriously hurt.
The scoring was highlighted by Emmy Owens splitting the defenders and easily beating the Inferno keeper to put the Sodium squad up for good 1-0.
I thought it was going to be more when Jadyn McMillan had a clean break in the box but was taken out from behind by an OSA defender. No whistle. The crowed went nuts!
I will say I owe the fans around me an apology because that is when I had had enough and told the ref I thought he was horrible. I apologized to most people around me but if you were in earshot, sorry. I will say though, I stand behind my assessment of the officiating. Turns out that coach Tom has had numerous (over 60) emails regarding how poor the officiating has been. AND it turns out, this was the same official that oversaw the SSC Hotspur vs ESUFC Arsenal game that had all kinds of controversy. I will stand by my assessment.
So, here is how it shakes out:
Bracket "A"
LOSC has 18 points (4 goals for, 0 against) plays OSA Inferno Friday night. Regardless of outcome #1 spot.
THUSC Sodium has 18 points (6 goals for, 1 against) no games left. Takes Spot #2
Bracket "B"
ESUFC Arsenal has 22 points (5 goals for, 1 against) and takes #1 spot. No games left.
EMFC Magic and SSC Hotspur are tied all across the board. The winner will take spot #2.
Next weekend; (unofficial)
Semi Finals
LOSC Extreme vs. Bracket "B" #2 11/15 @ 10:30AM REC Field #1
ESUFC Arsenal vs. THUSC Sodium 11/15 @ 10:30AM REC Field #2
Winners of above games 11/15 @ 6:00PM REC #1
So, from a very competitive standpoint, I would love to meet LOSC in the Championship for another epic battle!!
But, we'll see what happens!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Expect Excellence
I was watching MNF last night and they were interviewing a coach from one of the games Sunday.
The coach said a couple things I thought were important and thus will share them.
He said that each of his players expects excellence from themselves. The individual players work their butts off so they can better themselves as players and contribute to the best of their abilities to the team. They push everyday to improve. By one second, by one step, by one inch. Does this sound familiar? Remember when Tom said it's not about the name on the back of the jersey, but the club patch on the front?
He went on to say that his players expect excellence from each other. That no one is above improvement. Whether they are in the weight room, the practice field or studying film, they expect each of their team mates to be there, be on time and to work on making gains to improve.
They hold each other accountable for improvements. The coaches will never tell a running back his time in the 40-yard dash. They tell the other running backs. Not only is it motivation for them to improve, they will push that individual until they improve.
Have you improved this week? Do you hold your fellow players accountable? Do you expect excellence from them and they from you?
During the game, if an individual takes too many touches and loses the ball, do they give everything they have to get it back? or do they give up in frustration? Do you notice anyone taking a ‘break’ during a game? If players are yelling for a rotation and it’s not happening, do you get in that players face? If you’re open towards the goal and can’t get a pass, do you remind that player it’s their job to get you the ball? Are you first to the ball? If you see someone loafing at practice, do you remind them why they’re here?
The coach also said that part of expecting excellence is expecting to win. Every time his team takes the field they expect to win. They don’t care whether that team is 0-10 or last years Super Bowl Champion, they expect to win. They are prepared to win, know what they need to do to win, and expect to win.
When Sodium takes the pitch against LOSC, Rush, SSC or Arsenal, are you expecting to win? Or are you thinking; “Oh, these guys are good” or “They beat so & so last week”. I would certainly hope not. You are a talent stacked team with a solid reputation and great coach. There is not a team in Oregon that you couldn’t beat. Every time you step foot on the field of battle, remind yourself of the hours of preparation you have put in and the sweat you have left on the field. You deserve nothing less than victory.
Expect excellence from yourself and from your team.
See you on the pitch tonight.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Sodium Blog Proves To Be On Cutting Edge
The video we posted below was featured tonight on Fox's The O'Reilly Factor!
They were as blown away as we all were at this blatant display of unsportsmanlike conduct.
OPL starts with a split
Sporting the new uniforms for fall the lady warriors broke open the 2009 OPL Tournament with a scoring barrage against PCU Impact.
Following a rain-out [vs. OSA Inferno] at PCC Rock Creek the game originally slated for 7:30pm, against PCU, was moved up to 4:30pm and move to the REC Center.
The lady warriors came out a little sluggish as the rain soaked field proved to be slow and muddy. The first half scoring was lead by Jill Farley who popped one in from about 20 yards out to give Sodium a 1-0 lead heading into half-time.
Second half ends scoring drought!
The second half proved instrumental in getting Sodium's balanced attack back on track.
Emmy Owens split two defenders to rip the net for a 2-0 lead. Literally two minutes later Emmy was in the box again avoiding a sliding PCU keeper and tallying her second of the day off the right post.
Following that act was KJ. In a fierce battle for control in the box KJ rifled the 4th goal passed the Impact keeper to the cheers of the crowd! With under 5 minutes of play Eli Beard brought the ball in tight from the left where she chipped it just over the outstretched arms of the PCU keeper! Mac Kearney and Marisa Reid were there to make sure the ball was going nowhere but in! Sodium notched a solid 5-0 victory to start the OPL.
Between showers the lady warriors took on cross town rival LOSC Extreme at Tigard HS for the second OPL Tourney match.
Play, as always between these two teams, was fast, physical and a battle. Although Sodium had many more shots on goal LOSC capitalized on a break in rhythm after a 6 player substitution by Sodium and scored the game winner with just over 6 minutes remaining in the match. Despite several more attempts, the Sodium forwards just could not break the plain against LOSC's outstanding keeper and the match ended 1-0. I am confident we will see these guys again before the tournament is over.
Bracket A Standings
LOSC [18 pts] [4 goals for] [0 against]
THUSC [10 pts] [5 goals for] [1 against]
PCU [4 pts] [0 goals for] [8 against]
OSA [4 pts] [0 goals for] [0 against]
Next bracket matches;
THUSC Sodium vs. OSA Inferno - Tues. 11/10 @ 7:00pm at PSU
LOSC Extreme vs. OSA Inferno - Fri. 11/13 @ 7:30pm at REC #5
Notes from the sideline
As parents we are a little perplexed on the substituting 6 or more players at a time tactic. It worked against the lesser PCU Impact team but not so much against a top notch LOSC squad.
It seemed, just before the sub, that Sodium had made several good runs at the LOSC goal. Just after the sub there was apparent confusion because the talented LOSC forward penetrated and scored. It left some of us scratching our heads.
Even though Sodium had many more attempts, you have put the ball in the net to win. Period. LOSC did it, Sodium did not.
We are looking forward to a rematch next weekend that produces a different outcome.
See you on the pitch Tuesday night.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Rough Play At The Collegiate Level.
OK folks, you think Sodium plays rough once in awhile? Check out New Mexico's defender vs BYU.
New Mexico player banned, apologizes news services
New Mexico women's soccer defender Elizabeth Lambert has been suspended indefinitely after engaging in rough play -- including hauling an opposing player to the ground by her pony tail -- in the Lobos' 1-0 loss to BYU in the Mountain West Conference semifinals.
Lambert is prohibited from taking part in practices, games and conditioning, coach Kit Vela announced Friday.
"Liz is a quality student-athlete, but in this instance her actions clearly crossed the line of fair play and good sportsmanship," Vela said.
Video footage of the game shows Lambert, a junior, committing a series of excessively rough plays, including kicking, tackles, a forearm shiver to the back -- in response to an elbow to the ribs -- and yanking BYU forward Kassidy Shumway to the ground by her hair.
Lambert was assessed a yellow card during the 76th minute, apparently for tripping.
On Friday, Lambert apologized for her actions, saying she was "deeply and wholeheartedly regretful."
"I let my emotions get the best of me in a heated situation. I take full responsibility for my actions and accept any punishment felt necessary," Lambert said. "This is in no way indicative of my character or the soccer player that I am. I am sorry to my coaches and teammates for any and all damages I have brought upon them.
"I am especially sorry to BYU and the BYU women's soccer players that were personally affected by my actions. I have the utmost respect for the BYU women's soccer program and its players."
The Mountain West said it endorsed New Mexico's discipline of Lambert, saying her actions violated the conference's sportsmanship policy. The conference said it would continue an internal review of "the overall dynamic involved in the match" and said it would not comment further.
"Liz's conduct on the field against BYU was completely inappropriate," said Paul Krebs, New Mexico's vice president for athletics. "There is no way to defend her actions."
BYU athletic director Tom Holmoe, in a news release, said Krebs had contacted him after the incident.
"It's an unfortunate incident that occurred in the game Thursday afternoon," Holmoe said. "The University of New Mexico and the Mountain West Conference have reviewed the situation and have acted appropriately ... I am pleased with his immediate response to the matter."
New Mexico (13-5-3) was the No. 4 seed in the tournament. Top-seeded BYU (17-2-2), ranked No. 17 in the NCSAA/adidas College Soccer Women's Top 25, advanced to the tournament final against San Diego State with the win.
The Cougars scored the game's lone goal on a Carlee Payne header off a direct kick in the 31st minute.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Fall league complete, bring on OPL!
With the much anticipated Keizer game rescheduled until Spring, the fall season has come to a close for Sodium. It did end on a high note with the decisive defeat of the Sherwood squad. Remember, the Spring league will be the one that counts towards State Cup standings and placement!
Starting 11/7/09 with a doubleheader, OPL League!
With games against OSA Inferno [1st place, Division 1 bracket] and PCU Impact [5th place, Silver bracket] on Saturday, the lady warriors should break out of the gate hot and take the momentum right to LOSC Extreme on Sunday. Sodium is anticipating a semi final match at Sunset HS on 11/15 but can never take their opponents for granted. Hard work, conditioning and plenty of rest will be needed to ensure they will bring their "A" game to the pitch.
Looking forward to a great weekend of soccer!
The Details;
Saturday 11/7
Sodium vs OSA Inferno @ 1:30pm - PCC #2
Sodium vs PCU Impact @ 7:30pm - PCC #2
Sunday 11/8
Sodium vs LOSC Extreme @ Noon - Tigard HS
High atop the stands Sodium faithful will be screaming; GO SODIUM!!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Week 8 Recap
This week in the U14 Gold bracket we found a a little more action. More goals and a couple surprises.
LOSC Extreme 2 vs. FC Portland 1
SSC 95 Hotspur 1 vs. OR Rush 1
ESUFC Arsenal 0 vs. OR Rush 1
Sherwood Force 0 vs. THUSC Sodium 4
SSC Hotspur 0 vs. USA Hotshots 0
FC Portland 0 vs. EMFC Magic 3
Game notes;
Saturdays games were puzzling to me. I would have thought that LOSC would have posted a few more goals against last place FC Portland and I would have loved to see the Hotsur, Rush tie. I bet that was a heck-of-a game. Sunday found the always improving Arsenal squad giving Rush all they can handle and the now revitalized Magic pounding FC Portland. Sodium took care of business against Sherwood [more on this later] and another SSC game I would have liked to see, a tie with Hotshots.
Bracket Standings
OR Rush [17 pts]
THUSC Sodium [13 pts]
EMFC Magic [13 pts]
SSC Hotspur [11 pts]
USA Hotshots [10 pts]
LOSC Extreme [10 pts]
Sherwood Force [6 pts]
ESUFC Arsenal [5 pts]
FC Portland [4 pts]
Bracket Notes;
With only 2 weekends of play left and 2 teams finished, here is my prediction for how the top 4 will shake out. Keep in mind, my opinion and very unscientific.
#1 - OR Rush 95G Nike
I am assuming they will have no problems with Sherwood and based on how both teams are playing, will give them the nod and the win over LOSC.
#2 - THUSC Sodium
The lady warriors have really started coming together in the last games. With a confidence builder this weekend, they will take this momentum into the last game.
#3 - This is where it is going to get tough. But sticking with the predictions I have already made, I am going to give this spot to EMFC Magic. I had Hotshots tied here as well but since they play Sodium and then Arsenal [who they tied 10/25] I am going to have to give it to Magic on points differential.
#4 - USA Hotshots [See above]
Notes from the sidelines;
Sodium really brought to FC Last week [unable to finish] and to Sherwood this week. It is really fun to watch the patience, the communication and the attack when they are firing on all cylinders. The Sherwood keeper did a great job of keeping Sherwood in the game, it could have easily been a much higher score.
The attack built up from the opening whistle. A slow methodical start as each team was getting the feel for the opponent. Towards the end of the first half Lexi Frey penetrated the Force defense from her left back position. Lexi lofted a shot that glanced off the cross bar to where a waiting Hannah Lautenbach punched it in for the first score! Welcome back Hannah, you were missed!. Several shots later the whistle blew and half-time ascended on a beautiful November morning.
After the half the lady warriors came out hot and began an relentless attack. Shot after shot as the Sodium defense and mids controlled the tempo, and the game. Marisa Reid drove the ball into the box, ripped a cross where a hustling MAC Kearney took the deflection and found the far post for a 2-0 Sodium lead! The bundled up crowd went nuts! As they have been instructed, the Sodium team was not about to let Sherwood back in. Lexi again found herself driving the ball deep down the left side, this time she checked off the defender and launched a bar to the far post where Jadyn McMillan was waiting to head it in!! The stands went wild! Sodium was really beginning to ignite! With minutes left the never selfish team player Jill Farley drove the ball in left, crossed right where Jadyn ripped a left foot into the net for her second and a 4-0 Sodium win! This was a break out game for Sodium, they needed to this one to build confidence as we start OPL league play 11/7. Let's keep up the momentum ladies and have a great showing at OPL!
Next up:
11/7 - PCC Rock Creek. 4:30pm vs USA Hotshot & 7:30pm vs PCU Impact [OPL]
Rest up Sodium, it's going to be a fun night!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Week 7 Recap
To recap this weeks games I will..."yawn"...oh, sorry. I will have to say there wasn't a lot of excitement. Or better yet, all the excitement was stored up until the very last game!!
The Recap;
EMFC 95 Magic 0 vs SSC 95 Hotspur 0
FC Portland 0 vs THUSC Sodium 0
Sherwood Force 0 vs USA Hotshots 3
USA Hotshots 0 vs ESUFC Arsenal 0
OR Rush 95G Nike 1 vs SSC 95 Hotspur 2
Bracket Standings
OR Rush [13 pts]
THUSC Sodium [10 pts]
EMFC Magic [10 pts]
USA Hotshots [9 pts]
SSC Hotspur [9 pts]
LOSC Extreme [7 pts]
Sherwood Force [6 pts]
ESUFC Arsenal [5 pts]
FC Portland 4 pts]
Bracket Notes:
With so many games left it is still pretty up for grabs. Although, if teams are going to make a move, they better do it now! Magic with 10 points only has 1 game remaining where Arsenal & Rush have 4, FC Portland 5. With LOSC going to Cali and missing 2 games, they are really at a disadvantage given they only have 2 games left for a total of 7. Sodium could conceivably max out at 16 points by winning their last 2 games but with Rush having 4 left; will probably have to settle for second place. The dark horse would be Hotshots. If they win out the fall they could capture the bracket lead. In doing so they would have to go through Sodium, Hotspur (playing well right now) and a much improved Arsenal squad. A daunting task.
Notes from the sidelines;
The take-a-ways from Saturdays tie with FC Portland are important.
First, Sodium created great opportunities. Sodium had many, many chances to score. Keep building those opportunities and the goals will come.
Second, Sodium can score from everywhere. The mids started looking at the net instead of passing this match. I know Laura Camp had at least 3 attempts herself and Jill had at least 2. Keep that up and the shots will fall (or at least a forward will be there to mop up!).
Third, the defense is starting to rise up. This fall Sodium is tied with bracket leading Rush in goals allowed with only 3. Saturday, Taylor Luty didn't get an opportunity to stop a shot in the first half, and only got to stop one in the second. Thank goodness the defense passes back to her.
Fourth, Sodium has got to finish, finish, finish. Just keep creating those great opportunities and they will fall.
I was a little disappointed to see the low turnout of Sodium players at the high school practice Sunday evening. You can tell who is rising up and playing their best since 4 of the 5 starting defenders were there. The practice consisted mainly of finishing drills, would have been nice to have some mids and forwards there to work on it. We only had 4 show up I think. It's about commitment ladies. When you are struggling in a particular area it is important to understand what is going wrong and work on correcting it.
I don't think our inability to put the ball in the net is cause for concern though. Look at the U12 season when Sodium went on to win the State Championship, we didn't win a game in October of that season and had such a 'peaks and valley' season it was hard to watch. This year we recognize our talent level and know what we are capable of. Keep working hard and creating those great opportunities and the shots will fall. I think the flood gates are going to open soon and when they do, and when Sodium gets a taste of a few blowouts, watch out!!
From under an umbrella at the 18-yard box, Sodium faithful yell; GO SODIUM!!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Project Warm Up

T and T - there DYNOMITE!!
Taylor Coon and Taylor Moscoe lend a helping hand at this years event checking out and bagging much needed clothing for families in the community.
Yet another example of Sodium "Giving Back".
Way to go girls!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
High School Play
I was fortunate to watch Sunset vs Southridge last night and wanted to share some observations from that game.
A) They spread the field. Very rarely do you see two players occupying the same space unless they are involved in a double-team. When a player has the ball, her teammates create avenues for her to pass them the ball; i.e. they take off running in anticipation of a lead pass. They don't stand there and look at her, waiting for a pass, they create a situation where a pass to them will create an opportunity for advancement.
B) Speed of play. These girls play fast. When there is a throw in, BANG it's in! When there is a free kick, BANG, the ball is down and advancing. Every possession by the midfielder the forwards would turn to goal and streak in anticipation of a lead pass. They would cross, trying to create confusion on the defense. But mainly, they wouldn't stand around waiting. They ran to create opportunities.
C) Communication. These girls never stopped chattering for 80 minutes. The defense & keeper, the mids, the forwards. Always let each other know where they were and what they were doing. This gave the girl with the ball knowledge of every option available. When the defender had her back to the field, all the other defenders let her know where the pressure was. If a mid had the ball, the forwards took off and the defenders let her know who was open. It was pretty cool to listen too really.
D) Purpose. With very few exceptions, every pass, whether it got there or not, was intended for another player. Other than when there was action in front of the goal and it needed to be cleared, every possession had the purpose of starting a break to goal. If a defender had the ball, the left & right mids flared out and the center broke free. Once the mid had the ball the forwards would cross, check and run or whatever. They were trying to create a situation where the mid could feed them a pass as they broke to goal. Often I have watched our forwards stand there and wait for a pass from the mids.
D) Physical. These girls know how to use their bodies. I would have to say the best team we have faced that used their bodies for positioning was LOSC. They stepped in front of us and had position all day long. The best girls who do this that should be copied on our team are Jill Farely, KJ & Emmy. I don't know if that's something they teach at ODP but it is surely something ALL our girls need to adopt.
These were just a few helpful hints I wanted to pass on from the game last night. And, by the way, Sunset won 1-0. I wouldn't have added that but I'm an Alumni so, well, you know.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Desire | Commitment | Team
Desire The player wants to be there. Period. You will never develop an athlete who's parents pushed him/her into a sport. They have to love it and desire to be the best and contribute to the success of the team. This desire will push them to give 100% in practice and thus, perform at that same level during the game. You play like you practice. A player with this desire doesn't complain that the coach is pushing them too hard, that they had to run an extra lap or another flight of stairs. Players with this desire push themselves and their teammates because they know it is for their own good, It will make them faster, stronger, better.
Commitment To be an effective part of any team, all players need to be committed. Committed to the success of the team. If that means getting physical & rough at practice because that is the type of opponent you face, then so be it. There should never be a question. Your opponent will never back down from you, your teammates shouldn't either. Commitment means being to practice on time and working your behind off while you're there. Commitment means practicing good nutrition and getting plenty of sleep because if you don't, you run the risk of not playing to the level you need to be at and the team expects. It means doing whatever it takes. A player who is not willing to commit 100% to the team, should not be on the team.
Team [taken from July 1st, 2008 post titled: Team] ~ noun
To be part of a team is a great achievement. To be part of a championship team is an outstanding accomplishment. What that means is that you have fought together, sacrificed together and won together. You have developed a bond that few realize and even fewer recognize. These are your sisters. You are solders doing battle on a field of green. When you step onto the field this weekend or any weekend, look into your teammates eyes and see the look of a warrior. A Lady Warrior. Sodium.
Your fans will be screaming our heads off; GO SODIUM!
Week 6 Recap
Well, it certainly was interesting this weekend to say the least. Here is a recap of the games in week 6;
THUSC Sodium 0 vs LOSC Extreme 0
EMFC 95 Magic 0 vs OR Rush 95G Nike 1
USA Hotshots 1 vs Sherwood Force 0
Sherwood Force 1 vs SSC 95 Hotspur 3
LOSC Extreme 2 vs USA Hotshots 1
ESUFC Arsenal 2 vs THUSC Sodium 1
Bracket Standings
OR Rush [13 pts] - 5 games remaining
EMFC 95 Magic [9 pts] - 2 games remaining
THUSC Sodium [9 pts] - 3 games remaining
LOSC Extreme [7 pts] - 4 games remaining
Sherwood Force [6 pts] - 4 games remaining
SSC 95 Hotspur [5 pts] - 4 games remaining
USA Hotshots [5 pts] - 5 games remaining
ESUFC Arsenal [4 pts] - 5 games remaining
FC Portland A GU14 Platinum [3 pts] - 5 games remaining
Bracket Notes
With so many games remaining it looks like the bracket is still wide open. For example, if FC wins out and OR Rush falls off the map, FC would have enough points to be #1. So, as we saw this weekend, anything can happen.
Notes from the sidelines
Here's where it gets kinda ugly. After Sodium fell to Arsenal last night Tom had a few choice words for the girls. But before I go into that I have to say 'Hats off' to Arsenal. They flat out beat us. They out-hustled us, they out-played us, and they deserved the victory hands down. The Arsenal team we played last night would have beat the LOSC team we faced Saturday in my opinion. OK, on to the business at hand.
Tom recapped this weekend like this;
1) Sodium is not playing as a team right now, they are playing like individuals. At one given time there are 7 girls playing and 3 taking a break. That is where the collapse is happening. We should never have players taking a break.
2) We got out prepared. Arsenal obviously put in the time & effort in preparation and we did not. We cannot think that just because we are Sodium, we automatically get the W. Doesn't work that way. We need to prepare HARDER, LONGER and get better every day BECAUSE we are Sodium.
3) Disappointment. We have yet to play to our potential since Burlington, WA. Why?
Please think about what Tom said lady warriors.
Ask yourself: Are you taking a break on the field? Are you playing to the best of your abilities or just sliding by? When you get beat, do you give up and watch or bust your butt to get the ball back? Are you practicing 'Team Defense' or just playing your position? Are you playing with the ball and loosing it or are you making 2 or 3 good touches and passing with purpose? In practice, are you working to get better or looking forward to the end of practice? When we came off the field last night were you thinking "What could I have done better?" or "Where are we stopping for dinner?" Those things will separate the players from the posers.
Up Next;
Sodium is scheduled to face LOSC again on 10/25 but I believe LOSC is going to be playing in a tournament in California. Best of luck LOSC. I did notice that FC Portland doesn't play on 10/25. Maybe arrange a friendly at the same field using the same ref's?
Until next time: GO SODIUM!!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Couple of thoughts for today.
View from the sidelines
This section is dedicated to my editorial comments. Some parents may not like it. If you are easily offended by any of my earlier posts I suggest you stop reading now. Proceed at your own risk but don't go slamming me on any forum later, I warned you!
A parent came up to me during the LOSC game and said; "There just another team". You know I had to think about it for a moment but it really brought the entire fall season into perspective. He's right; LOSC IS just another team. A team we had no business tying Saturday. Did Sodium play well? Yeah. Did they bring their "A" game? Not even close. Frankly, I believe their isn't a team in this years bracket that can compete with us with the exception of maybe OR Rush. We went to Eagle Crest and saw the best they had. Was it a good hard fought game? Sure. Again, was Sodium firing on all cylinders? Not so much.
Here is a prime example; In both the Sherwood and LOSC games at the final whistle the fans/parents for both Sherwood and LOSC cheered. The Sodium players, coaches, fans and parents were pissed. We are not happy walking away with a tie. As Tom mentioned at post-game, we haven't played our "A" game since Regionals in Burlington, WA in July where we beat the Washington State Champion and several outstanding teams. Any of those teams would plow through this bracket like a hot knife through butter. Then why aren't we?
I have a couple thoughts;
A) I think Sodium doesn't give themselves enough credit.
Now, I'm not saying we need to be cocky but look at everything you've accomplished since the U11 State Championship! Give yourself more credit. You're a great team if you keep working hard, stay focused you will again be the State Champion. IF YOU KEEP WORKING HARD AND STAY FOCUSED.
B) Sodium gives their opponent too much respect.
I will never say to overlook an opponent. I will never underestimate the opposition. But a prime example is Saturday against LOSC. ooooo, Big bad Lake Oswego. Come on ladies. You proved it on the field, they are just another team we should have put away 3-0. You proved it. Same with FC or Keizer. Big deal. If you enter the game with the mindset that you are going to go out and dominate, you will. That you are going to take all the hard work and sacrifice and take it out on your opponent. That you are not going to be satisfied until we are up 5-0 and the final whistle blows. YOU WILL! It's a place mentally we haven't gotten too yet. But you will.
C) Killer instinct.
Sodium doesn't go for the throat. Let me give you an example you can relate too; Like Edward Cullen going for a meal. The animal he pursues is 3 times his size. The only way he knows he can win [or feed I guess] is if he goes for the big vein in the throat, and he does. And he hangs on and grips tighter and harder until the animal gives up and rolls over dead. Sodium, you need to approach each game like that. [Kinda gross but you get the point.] If you score, you need to see how fast you can score again! If MAC puts in a goal, what do you think her thoughts are? "Oh, I'd like someone else to score next." NO WAY! She's thinking how she can score again, AND AGAIN! That's what I'm talking about. From the opening whistle, don't let these teams think they ever have a chance. Once you score, or beat your mark, do it AGAIN, and AGAIN, and AGAIN until they want to quit. Let me go back in time for a moment to make a point. Our school paper in high school interviewed the baddest players on the football team for an article. The article was titled "What it takes to win, a players perspective." [Or something similar]. It outlined the physical and mental state a player gets into before a game. Let me paraphrase from my fading memory from that article; ["...on gameday I go through the same rituals. I eat the same food, wear the same clothes and listen to the same music. The mental preparation started the day before, but in the morning, all I can think about is the game. I go through classes and try to concentrate, no way. I see my teammates in the hall, they are oblivious, they are rehearsing plays and assignments. By lunch time the adrenalin is starting to flow but I keep it in check, I don't want to burn out. At this point I have gone over my assignments and everything my opponent is going to throw at me a thousand times. I am ready. I switch my focus to them, my enemy. I start to think about why they are here. They are here to beat us, and that pisses me off. I think of how I am going to dominate the player across from me. By days end I am fired up. I head to the locker room and get dressed. Again, ritual. I wear the same shirt underneath my pads, same wrist bands & gloves and listen to the same songs on my headphones. I am entering the zone. My hatred is really building now and I can see them in my minds eye. We group to take the field for warm ups. I am beginning to shake as the adrenalin builds. I am ready. I see my teammates as we prepare for battle. They too are in the zone. Some have tears in their eyes. We can't wait to take the field. After warm ups we are on the sidelines and all I can see is red. All I can see is the enemy across the field. All I can see is hate. We kick off and they have the ball, my turn to inflict pain and I am so ready. The first play is a sweep and I fill from my strong safety position and knock the crap out of the running back. It feels good because when I crushed him, I heard the air rush out of his lungs. I stand over him and look into his face mask at his wide eyes. "I own you" I tell him, and he knows it..."] Anyway, the story continues. A little much for 13 year old girls I agree but the point remains, we need to get after teams from whistle to whistle and never let up.
D) Finish.
Yes, the LOSC keeper is all world, I agree. She will be the best we face now and for years to come. But what about Sherwood's keeper? Or Rush? We need to make every shot count. And if you miss one? Who cares! Get angry and say the next ones going in! And then start working on getting it. Keep shooting! The hardest thing for us on the sidelines is to watch you girls work very hard for an opportunity and then shoot it right at the keeper! AAAGGGHHH! LOL! I know, we aren't in the game. All I can say is keep shooting because this curse happens to Sodium, and every other team, every year. We'll work it out and then watch the avalanche begin!
E) First to the ball/win it in the air.
I watched the LOSC team do some amazing things on the field Saturday. When the ball was heading towards a Sodium player they would jump or step in front and win the ball. They did it at nearly every position. They beat us their because we weren't moving towards the ball with the attitude of winning it. We were waiting for it to come to us. As a coach we call it being REactive instead of PROactive. We can't wait for the ball to get to us at this level. We need to approach it and win it. Period. Extreme did a great job of that and it kept them in the game. Sodium also needs to use their heads, literally. We need to win every ball in the air. We have been doing this well but only at about 50%. If we can get closer to 85 or 90%, we can create more scoring opportunities.
F) I will say that Sodium pushed up and when the ball was cleared to mid-field, we were on it. That is the first time in a while we have seen that happen. Whether it was our defenders pushing up or our mids hanging back slightly, it seemed that we were there to keep the pressure on. Awesome job.
Anyway, just some things to think about as we approach this afternoons game.
With umbrella's in hand the Sodium faithful yell: GO SODIUM!!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
The time is now
Today you take the field against the defending State Champion, a position you held proudly for 2 years. As with any match when we face LOSC it will be a battle. A hard fought, physical and emotional war. The time is now for players to put aside their illness, their injuries, their differences and unite. The time is now to take what you've been taught, to remember the work you've done, the sacrifices you made, and come together as a team, Sodium. When you do that, no other team can hold a candle to you. When every player is giving it her all, leaving everything she has on the field, you are untouchable.
For 70 minutes this afternoon, in the rain and cold, you will be called upon by your coach, your fans and your teammates to just that.
Who will be the hero today? Who will rise above the rest to lead the team into battle? The defense? The midfield? The forwards? All are capable, all posses the tools, the skills & the attitude.
It's what's inside that will determine the hero today. Who wants it more. Who is willing to lay it all on the line. Who is willing to leave everything on the field of play. That is who will emerge the hero.
Is that you?
From the cold aluminum stands at PCC Rock Creek the Sodium faithful scream; GO SODIUM!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
What the @#$%!?! a.k.a Week 5 Recap
Anyone who looked at the week 5 results for the bracket would say just that. From Rush administering an impressive shellacking to LOSC, to the Magic thumping FC Portland, the Premier Gold Bracket was turned upside down this weekend.
Here's the recap;
Saturday 10/10
Lake Oswego traveled to Eagle Crest where a 'Back to 100%' OR Rush team was laying in wait. When the dust settled the Rush squad had handed the reigning Oregon State Champs their second loss in three matches, 3-0.
For the second time this fall season the Magic from Eugene proved they are a force to be reckoned with as they knocked off Oregon State Champion two-time runner up FC Portland 5-1 on Saturday! This win boosts Magic near the top the Premier Gold Bracket and gives a boost of confidence to the mighty Eugene team.
In the afternoon game United SA Hotshots faced the SSC Hotspur. In a game destined for greatness these two powerhouses battled to a 2-2 deadlock and earned each 1 point.
Sunday 10/11
The first game pitted the much improved ESUFC Arsenal against Eugene Magic who was flying high after a big Saturday victory. Never to be taken lightly Arsenal handed Eugene all they could handle and the match ended deadlocked at 0-0.
In the nightcap our very own Sodium played host to Sherwood Force. In a word, frustrating. Play was confined the majority of the game to the Sherwood end of the field. The lady warriors just could not cap their attack with a goal. High, wide, off the bar and several great keeper saves kept Sodium off the board. To sum it up, Sherwood had 1 shot on goal at halftime. To Sherwood's credit again, they gave Sodium a battle. Their defense held fast despite the onslaught from Sodium. In the second half Sherwood mounted several attacks that were thwarted by Sodiums steadfast defense. The 0-0 final tally didn't help either team advance in the standings so it's time to regroup and look towards next weeks match-ups.
Points tally after this weekend
OR Rush 95G Nike [10 pts]
EMFC 95 Magic [9 pts]
THUSC Sodium [8 pts]
Sherwood Force [6 pts]
FC Portland A - GU14 Platinum [3 pts]
LOSC Extreme [3 pts]
United SA Hotshots [2 pts]
SSC Hotspur [2 pts]
ESUFC Arsenal 1 pt]
On the pitch next week;
Saturday 10/17
LOSC Extreme @ THUSC Sodium
Sherwood Force @ United SA Hotshots
OR Rush 95G Nike @ EMFC 95 Magic
Sunday 10/18
SSC 95 Hotspur @ Sherwood Force
United SA Hotshots @ LOSC Extreme
THUSC Sodium @ ESUFC Arsenal
Notes from the sidelines
I think Sodium really didn't have it together against Sherwood. They didn't communicate and the Force defender, #2 I believe, shut down a normally potent Sodium attack. It wasn't that we were taking Sherwood for granted by any stretch, it was just we seemed out of sorts on the field. I know some of the girls aren't 100% due to illness and injury but that is no excuse for not pulling out a victory against a team we have handled in the past. Personally, I was hoping this was going to be a tune up for next weeks showdown against arch rival LOSC. We all know the bad blood that exists between these teams and the battles that have been fought between them in the past.
Even though their current record doesn't indicate it, this Extreme team is all that and more. They are aggressive, fast, smart and know what it takes to win. Sodium better lace up their cleats and be ready to go to war next Saturday because you know both these teams are going to bring nothing less than their "A" games to PCC!
High atop the bleachers at PCC Rock Creek the loyal Sodium fans will scream: GO SODIUM!!
Friday, October 9, 2009
Sodium player achieves honor
Sodium's very own Taylor Moscoe achieved a great honor by being named Co-President for NJHS...(National Junior Honor Society) for Sherwood Middle School!
Congratulations Taylor!
Taylor's great accomplishment should be an example to all players that you can achieve greatness in both academics and sports if you put your mind to it and work had.
These girls are not only fierce competitors on the field, but in the classroom too!
I'll sit here with my abacus and yell: GO SODIUM!!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
It's about work
I would like all the parents to read this article on and share it with their players. It's about work ethic. It's about playing like you practice and the importance of being the player you hope to be day in and day out. It's about setting an example. How many of our players set an example every day? How many of our players give 100% in practice? It's about working through adversity and playing in pain.
Mainly, it's about the love of the game. I suggest we all read this article and take away from it that regardless of the score, regardless of the teams record, it's about setting an example and being proud. Proud of your sport, of your team, and proud of yourself every day.
We are Sodium. A two time state champion with many more to come. A regional and national contender. How often do we remind ourselves of that in practice? How often are we giving our best efforts to want to be the best, to achieve the best we can be both on and off the field? Think about this as you read the article. This gentleman overcame adversity to earn the respect of not only his team, parents and fans, but of a former NFL coach. That's quite an accomplishment. One I hope we all work at achieving every day.
Read it below.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Sodium Blog Receives Some Recognition
I was contacted by a large soccer related blog,, to be included in their daily feeds. Of course, I graciously accepted!! LOL!
So, every update I post will be included in this blogs updates! They said I should expect my hits to about double!
From now on lady warriors, every game, scrimmage and car wash are going to be chronicled on a large scale!
From in front of keyboard I'm yelling; GO SODIUM!!
U14 Gold Bracket Standings, Week 4
After this weekends hard hitting battles, the standings shifted a bit. Below are the results;
Sodium & OR Rush tied [7 pts]
Sherwood Force & Magic tied [5 pts]
LOSC & FC Portland tied [3 pts]
USA Hotshots & SSC Hotspur tied [1 pt]
ESUFC Arsenal [0 pts]
So there you have it, the bracket as of week 4.
Have a great week and we'll see you on the pitch!
Solid Performance This Weekend
Sodium turned in a solid performance against an always tough ESUFC Arsenal this weekend.
Play was back-and-forth for most of the first half with both keepers coming up strong. Late in half Eli Beard drove the ball deep down the left side, ripped a beautiful cross to a flying Jadyn McMillan who finished the play into the back of the net! The home crowed exploded as the lady warriors took a 1-0 lead into half.
Second half proved to be a little tougher as Arsenal came out fired up and took the game right at Sodium. As a true champion the lady warriors flexed the defense, controlled the mids and answered the attacks. Midway through the second Katy Moller drove the ball down the left side, cut back and fired a great 20-yard cross to the net where an always hustling Eli Beard was rushing the far post to finish it into the net and give Sodium a 2-0 lead.
The "Never to be underestimated" Arsenal squad cinched up their laces and got after it. A few occasions saw the Sodium defenders on their heels. Taylor Luty delivered another solid games in goal as she deflected shots and stopped the onslaught towards the end, one shot glanced off the crossbar for what we thought was a sure goal. Only the hustle of defense saved the day on that one. One of the final pushes produced fruit for Arsenal when a shot glanced off the far post and skipped to the middle of the box where the attacking Arsenal forward was there for the finish, bring the final tally Sodium 2, Arsenal 1.
I am sure we will meet this team again so strap on your shin guards Sodium, and expect a battle!
Up next:
10/11 vs Sherwood Force @ REC #2. 3:00pm game time.
Bracket update:
Sodium and OR Rush share the top spots with 7 pts each.
Spotlight for Next Week;
Next weekend will be the tell all since Rush will take on LOSC at Eagle Crest. This will be the test for both teams to see where the Fall season will end up.
FC Portland will battle the pesky EMFC Magic in Eugene. FC needs a win to break them into the top 3 points slot.
Hotshots take on SSC in Keizer. This should prove to be one of the better games this weekend as, surprisingly, both these teams have fallen into the bottom third of the bracket. Watch these teams folks, they won't be there for long!
Sundays matches find the Magic taking on Arsenal and our very own Sodium hosting Sherwood Force at the REC.
Best of luck to all!
"Practice Hard, Play Harder!"
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Premier Gold Bracket Standings & Stuff
As September fades away and October is upon us, here are the standings prior to this weekends games;
THUSC Sodium [4 pts]
OR Rush 95G Nike [4 pts]
Sherwood Force [4 pts]
EMFC 95 Magic [4 pts]
FC Portland Platinum [3 pts]
SSC 95 Hotspur [1 pt]
USA Hotshots [1 pt]
LOSC Extreme [0 pts]
ESUFC Arsenal [0 pts]
Good luck to the teams that play this weekend!
Other news;
As we all know OYSA changed the structure of the fall league. [See poll to the right] Goal Lines published an article explaining the changes. Read it here.
Up Next;
10/3 - Sodium is volunteering to help with the Portland Marathon prep @ Hilton downtown.
10/4 vs ESUFC Arsenal 1:30pm Game Time @ REC#2
Have a great weekend and remember; GO SODIUM!!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
The Clash at Eagle Crest
For those who witnessed this game I don't need to say any more. For those who didn't, oh you missed a good one. We all know the history between these two teams. Epic games of monumental proportion. And Saturdays game lived up to any and all expectations.
It was a classic battle of speed and agility vs control and power. I will say this, the Rush squad has more overall team speed than any team Sodium will face [in Oregon] this year, hands down. Out of the gate Rush was on the attack and the Sodium defense [The four horsemen of Moscoe, Coon, Frey and Luty] was pushed. But rise to the occasion they did as Hadley and company were shut down time and time again. But do you think that discouraged them? No way. The Rush attack was relentless all day long. Sodium did some attacking of their own as MAC, Emmy, Payton, Marisa and the forwards took every opportunity to rip shots from all angles. Midfield, a definite strength for Rush, was anchored by Sodium's Erika Cook who had several drives deep into Rush territory.
Can you say physical play? A minimum of four times during the match play had to be halted so a player could be attended to or carried off the field. And believe me, I have seen dirty play, but not today. These girls were giving everything they had, were leaving nothing and not holding anything back. Hard, tough, aggressive play for 70 minutes took it's toll on both squads.
In the end the score was zero/zero but it might as well have been 25/25 with the amount of bruises and the level of exhaustion, both mentally and physically, both team experienced.
Rest assured Sodium faithful, we will see Rush again. And believe me, it will be classic.
10/3 vs United SA Hotshots @ PCC Rock Creek. 4:30PM kickoff.
Stay tuned for the "Rumble at Rock Creek" update.
From an outdoor table at Niblick's the parents yell; GO SODIUM!!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Sodium heads East to take on Rush
To fight for sole possession of first place in the Gold Division bracket, the lady warriors road trip to Eagle Crest this weekend to take on the always tough OR Rush 95G Nike. In what will assuredly be an epic battle Sodium hopes to gain supremacy by beating Rush on their home turf. A feat, I might add, that has escaped Sodium for the last 3 years. The last time these two teams met [April] Sodium had a limited roster and ended up with a 1-1 tie. This time we will have a full roster so we will be bringing the 'A' game.
Have a safe trip everyone and we'll see you at the hotel tonight!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
A great Saturday all the way around!
To start off with several of the Sodium team volunteered their time to help with the Summerset West Soccer Club's team picture day. Normally they hire high school students for this event but this year Sodium offered some of our very responsible players to help. Picture day went very smoothly and to show their appreciation, SWSC is donating to each volunteers player account.
Thank you ladies for helping a sister club. Thank you SWSC.
The lady warriors hosted a friendly against an always tough Sherwood Force squad. Play was back in forth as the first half ended 0-0 with no real stand out plays. Coach Tom must have lit a fire under Sodium at half time because they came out the second half with poise and purpose. Play was isolated in the Force end of the field the entire half with Sodium showing calm and control as they passed meticulously, communicated constantly and controlled the pitch. The first score came on a perfectly placed Lexi Frey corner kick that, it seemed, the entire team waltzed into the net. You could tell Sherwood was not going to roll over. The play picked up and became faster and more physical. The Sodium team answered with a relentless attack on the Force goal. The second and final score came just before the final whistle as Lexi Frey again delivered a beautiful cross to awaiting Emmy Owens to put the icing on the cake. 2-0 the final. Thanks Sherwood for making the trek to REC and for a great game.
And, to make the day just a bit sweeter, Sodium's friends from the South [Eugene Magic] traveled to Lakeridge HS to take on the defending State Champion LOSC Extreme. Not having attended I can't comment on the level of play but I am sure it was a battle! Both these teams know how to win and play a physical game. After the dust had settled and the final whistle blew the Magic had handed LOSC an unprecidented league opening loss! Wow! What a way to throw a monkey wrench into the standings! The magic team should be proud of their accomplishment this weekend and ride the momentum into their next match!
Up Next:
Sodium travels to Eagle Crest to take on 'The Beast From The East', OR Rush 95G Nike. Rush has never failed to deliver a great match against Sodium and this game should be no different. Rush is coming off an impressive win against always tough United SA Hotshots and the lady warriors will need to lace'em up and bring their 'A' game this weekend.
Rest, focus and practice hard this week Sodium, it's going to be a classic battle.
See you on the pitch!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Fall Schedule Update
For those of you who had placed all the games on your calendar, sorry. OYSA updated the schedule yet again. Pretty easy though, all we need to do is remove the October 25th game vs FC Portland. :(
So, this fall we never play; FC Portland, SSC Hotspur or Keizer. Hope the next "8 game" schedule is run a little more efficiently than this last one.
See you on the pitch!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Coach Tom's update from Seoul - Day 4
UNITED Supporters,
It is always exciting to watch soccer on game day in a ‘soccer culture’. Today, Kim and I watched official youth and professional league games. Game day in a foreign country always helps put perspective to soccer culture in the United States. Korea’s soccer culture can rival any country in the world.
Our day began by watching two U12 Boys games in Seoul. The style of play was very technical and tactical, with less emphasis on physical play. The Seoul league is venue based and very professionally run. Venue based means that all teams in the league play at the same field all day game after game. The field was sixty yards by one hundred years and the goals were six feet high by eighteen yards wide. This field size and goal size are smaller then Rec #3. The reason for this is to create game conditions that are appropriate to the age group. If the field and goals are to big the game conditions do not reflect the relative speed and size of an actual soccer game. In other words, young players get lost on the field because the size of the field/goals is too big. The league included four referees; two lines man, a center referee, and a fourth official to handle substitutions. A medical team was present, as well as a professional crew of four employees that tend to any game day details. All teams were organized and uniformed. The highlight was watching a player already labeled the ‘Korean Maradaona’; meaning he is world class player for his age. I had heard about this player all week from various soccer officials and after he scored a hat trick in ten minutes I was convinced he was special.
The Korean equivalent to Major League Soccer is the K-league, abbreviated for the Korean League. Tonight’s professional game was between first place FC Seoul versus second place Jeonjung Motors. The quality of play was very similar to Major League Soccer (USA professional league); physical play and moments of brilliants. Jeonjung scored a great goal thirty five minutes into the first half and FC Seoul answered with two goals in the second half to win 2-1. The game took place in the 2002 Seoul World Cup Stadium. The stadium sits just outside of downtown Seoul in an area that is full of museums and parks. There were many kids dressed in FC Seoul colors. In fact several local kids road their bikes to the game without parent supervision returning home approximately 10:00 PM. Jeonjung boasted approximately two thousands traveling supporters that sang and chanted the duration of the game. FC Seoul dominated team fan support with approximately thirty five thousand fans. Each team boasted foreign players from Brazil, Serbia and Argentina. I felt the Korean players (eight starters per team) played their positions very well but the foreign players added more flair to the game.
This will be my final email from Korea. I have enjoyed recapping the day’s events and appreciate all correspondence from United players and parents.
See you next week!
Tom Atencio
Director of Coaching and Player Development
Tualatin Hills United Soccer Club
Sunday, September 13, 2009
2009 Fall League Gets Underway
The 2009 fall league opened this afternoon with the lady warriors road trip'n down to Eugen to take on the always tough EMFC 95 Magic.
To prove a point the Sodium squad came out with something to prove, to squelch all the naysayers who said Sodium wasn't deserving of a Gold Division spot. Well, silence them they did. To set a personal best Sodium scored the first goal in 45 seconds! A corner kick line drive from KJ that glanced off the defender that MAC was shielding in front of the goal! But Magic would not be denied. The play was back and forth with Eugene keeper, Sahalie Doe, putting on a clinic and Sodium's own Taylor Luty adding to the great keeper play. Both had diving deflections or sent the ball over the cross bar. Later in the first period KJ again found herself with a scoring opportunity. She ripped a shot just wide of the diving keeper and deflecting off the far post where MAC was there for the finish. Unfortunately, the line judge saw something different and called an offsides. The half ended 1-0. The second half proved to be just as fierce a battle. At the midway point, after a free kick was awarded for a handball, guest player Jill Farley lined it up from 35 yards out. She took aim and let the left leg fly! A rocket just over the skying reach of Sahalie gave the lady warriors a 2-0 advantage! Just before the closing whistle Lexi Frey penetrated deep down the left side, ripped a perfectly placed cross where a flying Jadyn McMillan finished it off her shin! The crowd went nuts until we saw the line judge with his flag in the air. :( The whistle blew and Sodium came away with 2-0 opening victory.
Sodium showed some moments of brilliance on the pitch. Slowed down, controlled play where they would look for an opportunity and take it. Other times they looked a little 'scattered' according to talented assistant coach Niki Brooks. They looked like a team that was still getting their balance, right where they need to be at this point. All told I think it was a good first effort.
Fall Schedule
OYSA posted the full schedule. [Remember, this is subject to change]
9/26 vs OR Rush 95 at Eagle Crest. 12:30pm game time.
10/4 vs ESUFC Arsenal at REC#2. 1:30pm game time.
10/11 vs Sherwood Force at REC#2. 3:00pm game time.
10/17 vs LOSC Extreme at PCC #1. 1:30pm game time.
10/18 vs ESUFC Arsenal at Barlow HS. 1:30pm game time.
10/25 vs FC Portland at REC#2. 1:30pm game time.
See you on the pitch!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Coach Tom's update from Seoul - Day 3
UNITED Supporters,
Today is Friday September 11.
United coach Kim Un Bong and I meet with Mr. Lee the CEO for the 2002 World Cup and a Korean Football Association Staff Coach. Mr. Lee was very interested in discussing a few topics about America: 1, women’s college soccer and the details of scholarship opportunities for Korean players 2, the upcoming U20 Men’s World Cup and the United States 3, is it possible to bring youth national teams to the USA?
Kim and I explained the various divisions of women’s college soccer and there differences. The female soccer programs in Korea are becoming popular and the expectations are growing. The idea of soccer for women after high school is a new thought process for Korean families. Soccer, until recently has been a male dominated sport in Korea. Mr. Lee was very interested in sending his strongest U16 and U17 players to the United States to play in college showcase tournaments for recruitment possibilities. College opportunities in America are seen as desirable to Korean families.
The U20 World Cup will begin in Egypt at the end of September. The United States is grouped with Germany, Cameroon and yes South Korea. I told Mr. Lee I knew nothing about the US team but was happy to discuss the Korean team. In reality, I do not know much about this age group. We laughed and moved on to the next subject of bringing youth national teams to the United States,
Korea is starting a new identification program for U12 Boys and terming it ‘National Teams’. The purpose of this program is to identify large pools of players and begin the development process earlier. Mr. Lee wants these identified players to travel to the USA to begin the education process of what it takes to be successful player away from home. He wants the players to learn about time zones, jet lag, and different environments. Learning these lessons at an early age will only improve Korea’s chances at winning world championships at the U17 World Cup, U20 World Cup, the Olympics, the Asia Cup and the World Cup. Kim explained his teams were invited anytime.
Have a super Timbers night,
Tom Atencio
Director of Coaching and Player Development
Tualatin Hills United Soccer Club
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Coach Tom's update from Seoul - Day 2
UNITED Supporters,
Today Thursday September 10th was another terrific day in South Korea!
United coach Kim Un Bong and I met with Korean Football Association (aka KFA) officials Kim, Young Kyun Youth Football Association Vice President, and Ki Heung, Yoo of the Korean National League at a Seoul hotel. Both officials have been involved in Korean soccer at the national team level for 42 years. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss similarities and differences of soccer in the United States and Korea.
The Korean federation officials were unanimous that the female program in the United States is very good. US female players compete well, are technically sound and physically fit. On the men’s side both officials agree that the US National Team plays well. They emphasized that American youth clubs are training players better then before, which is mainly judged by how many men are playing abroad, and how well the women’s national teams compete at world championships. I was asked the reciprocal question and responded as follows: the Korean women are improving rapidly with recent good showings in youth world championships. The Korean male players have always been very good technically, hard working, and play a position functionally very well. I did comment that the Korean players need to be encouraged to be more creative on and off the ball. We both agreed that it would benefit Korean and American youth players to have opportunities to play abroad. At the conclusion of this great conversation Kim, Young Kyun and Ki Heung, Yoo wanted to show Kim and I the KFA offices.
The KFA offices are located in a modest eight story building in downtown Seoul. The KFA controls and monitors all facets of Korean soccer. This includes the following: youth soccer, high school soccer, college soccer, professional soccer, coach’s education, all leagues, and national teams to name a few… The office we met in was strictly dedicated to U12 Boys. There are four hundred U12 Boys teams in Korea and this office monitors and organizes all of them. Imagine having all the development for the United States in one building communicating on a daily basis… The highlight was how proud the officials were of their trophy room.
The day concluded with a trip out to a suburb thirty minutes from Seoul called Dong San. There Kim Un Bong, Ki Heung, Yoo and I watch the Industry High School women’s team train. High School and College soccer in Korea are comparable to our best youth soccer programs; the actual schools have nothing to do with soccer. The players train five days a week for two hours. Each session has three designated coaches; a head coach, assistant coach, and goalkeeper coach. The goalkeeper sessions I have seen the past two days have been excellent. The field player training session included much more physical work then yesterdays youth sessions. In fact the first hour of training was spent without the ball; speed work, stretching and some sprinting over distance. The second hour was spent on technical work (passing, volleys, heading), 1v.1, and a possession game. The high school method of training is understandable when you see your players daily. The goalkeepers were working individually the entire time.
I sign off watching the England versus Croatia World Cup qualifier played September 9th.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Update from Seoul
Coach Tom sent United supporters and email from his trip to Seoul, Korea. It reads;
UNITED Supporters,
This is Tom Atencio from Seoul South Korea. I am sitting in my hotel room at 8:01 PM Wednesday September 9 which is 3:01 AM September 9 in Portland. The time difference of 15 hours offers challenges in regard to your body’s internal clock not to mention the 12 hour plane ride. When traveling such distances it is important to sleep on the plane and immediately get into to the rhythm of the country visited. This means your internal clock may be saying its bed time but the destination says its breakfast time.
My room faces two hillside temples constructed by Korean kings over 800 years ago. Seoul is a very busy city with all the amenities and challenges of any big city; outstanding cuisine but horrible traffic. This is my second time to Seoul my first was in 2002 for the World Cup. The people are great and usually try to speak any bit of English they may know.
I am here as a guest with United coach Kim Un Bong. I have known Kim since he joined United in 2003. As a director of coaching, I see many resumes and at times some coaching candidates stretch the truth. Kim’s resume was very factual and modest; South Korean National Team, professional player, and an international coaching license. After being with him for one day in the country of his birth he is much more then his resume. He is a well known icon throughout Korea. We are very fortunate to have Kim as a coach in our club; he is humble and classy.
Today we visited Icheon United FC. Icheon is the third largest city in Korea and about an hour driving distance from Seoul. Icheon FC is currently in fourth place in the Korean first division. Professional clubs in Korea are mandated by the Korean Association Football to have youth teams U10-U16, senior youth teams, a second team (which is basically a reserve team for the first division team), and a first division team. Kim and I met with Park, Ee Chun the technical director for the Icheon Club on the professional stadium field which was used during the 2002 World Cup. Park’s job is to hire and develop coaches to train all players in the Icheon club. Park is a very humble man that played with Kim for several years and captained the Korean National Team. I was introduced to the following team coaches: U11B, U12B, U13B, second team, and the first division coach. We saw each team train and conversed with all coaches. The first division coach managed/coached Serbia and Montenegro at the 2006 World Cup in Germany.
At team training all players begin training by greeting all adults with a bow and hello. I was greeted by all players at training with many taking time to talk to Kim. Training itself was very technical at the youth level with a mixture of juggling, dribbling and possession in very tight spaces. The second team and first team were preparing for upcoming games so training was tactical and light. All teams included speed work during warm up, emphasized consistent work rate and respect for each other. Icheon FC is a first class club!
Keep in mind I am one day ahead, so I will be writing updates each evening.
Tom Atencio
Director of Coaching and Player Development
Tualatin Hills United Soccer Club
I will post all of Tom's updates from Seoul as they come in.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Don't forget the Potluck tonight at the Beards! A big thanks goes out to the Beards for hosting the Fall Season Kickoff Potluck.
Health - Seems that we all know someone who is sick or was sick in the last 60 days so make sure you are all taking precautions in fighting germs, nutrition and rest.
A good saying I ran across;
"Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard!"
Something to think about as we embark on the fall season.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Fall League Schedules Are Posted!!
* Remember, according to OYSA, these are not set in stone.
The moment we've all been waiting for, The Fall Schedule;
9/13/09 vs EMFC Magic - 3:00PM @ North Eugene HS
9/26/09 vs OR Rush 95G Nike - 12:30PM @ Eagle Crest Resort
10/04/09 vs ESUFC Arsenal - 1:30PM @ PCC Rock Creek
So, let's look at the numbers;
Teams = 9
Number of weekends from first game to last = 3.5
Number of total games in Premier Gold Bracket = 11
How Many games does each team play in fall Season?
LOSC = 2
FC Portland = 1
SSC Hotspur = 2
OR Rush = 3
USA Hotshots = 2
Arsenal = 2
Sherwood Force = 3
EMFC Magic = 4
Sodium = 3
Average = <3 games
Why so few games? We have plenty of teams, and I see there are NO Gold Premier games played at the REC? Are fields that scarce? I would be open to any comments.
Let's get fired up lady warriors to make the best of the limited schedule!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
For the love of the game
Soccer is often called the 'Beautiful Game'. If requires every player, every minute, to be on the same page and focusing on the same goal. Whether that goal is defending, attacking, controlling or transitioning, every player must be in tune to what is happening. Below is a copy of the email Coach Tom sent out earlier in the week and below is a link to a great video about professional practices in preparation for a championship game. After the video concludes it links to some AWESOME videos on slide tackling etc. I highly recommend you read the article and watch a few.
Coach Tom wrote;
Transition is the most important moment in soccer; the moment in the match when individual players switch their player role in the game from defense to attack or attack to defense. Transition is acquired first by an individual player, then a group of players, and then the team.
This moment of transition occurs first as mental recognition of the situation and then a decision that initiates physical action. The faster the recognition-decision-action connection is made the more impactful will be a player's performance. Only once individual players are quickly making the transition from one phase of play to the next, will it be possible for a team to execute quick and skillful transition from defense to attack or vice versa.
If transition does not happen fast enough for a player or team then they are always a step or two behind the action. The speed of a player's transition is based on his or her tactical awareness.
Tactical awareness is being mindful of where you are on the field, as well as the location of the ball, your teammates and opponents. It's the ability to read the game - to anticipate what will happen next and not merely reacting to what just happened. In some soccer circles this tactical awareness is called insight.
In American soccer, we refer to this level of mental focus and tactical awareness as being soccer savvy.
Your players have no chance of becoming soccer savvy players if they are simply cogs in the team wheel. Players who are over-coached in matches become robotic in their performance and cannot make tactical decisions fast enough.
Slow decision-making leads to reaction players instead of anticipation players. The over-coaching comes from not only coaches, but spectators too. They constantly yell out to the players what to do and when to do it. This further hinders a player's decision-making, as spectators are typically a step behind the action - the pace of the game is quicker than their words conveyed.
This environment of coaches and parents making soccer decisions for the players during a match has led to an American soccer weakness in transition. Too many of our players are not tactically aware, thereby being slow in transition. To become an anticipation player who is quick in transition requires a healthy soccer environment in which to grow. That environment requires less coaching during matches and better coaching during training sessions.
That training environment should lead to self-reliant players who think and communicate for themselves during a match.
The foundation to a good soccer environment in your club is a well-planned and consistently executed player development curriculum. From this foundation, you can build a club with a positive soccer culture.
And the link is;
Friday, August 28, 2009
Congratulations Erika Cook!
It has been announced that Sodium's own Erika Cook made the JV-1 squad at Westview HS! Erika makes up 1 of only 5 total freshman to make this years team.
Erika's hard work and determination are paying big dividends. She is a great example for the entire team.
Congratulations Erika, we are proud of you!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
2009 / 2010 OYSA U14 Premier Gold Bracket
- THUSC Sodium
- LOSC Extreme
- FC Portland A Platinum
- SSC 95 Hotspur
- OR Rush 95 Girls Nike
- United SA Hotshots
- ESUFC Arsenal
- Sherwood Force
- EMFC 95 Magic
It's going to be a terrific fall season with some excellent matches! I will post the schedule at or around the 27th! Keep tuned in for the latest bracket action!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Fall League
Fall League schedules are due out August 27th according to the OYSA website which, historically, has left something to be desired in regards to timeliness and accuracy. But those are topics for ORLive and other venues.
Keep checking back for updates.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
"Everybody into the pool!"
ODP Pools were announced yesterday for '95 and '96 years. Congratulations to the following players;
Emmy Owens
Katelyn James
Jill Farley*
Eli Beard
Lexi Frey
Mac Kearney
Jadyn McMillan
Taylor Moscoe
Andrea Theriau
Congratulations to all who tried out this year. Hard work and dedication will add even more lady warriors to the list next year! You only have about 363 days to get ready!
* Sodium is very fortunate to welcome Jill Farley and her family for the fall season. Jill is a member of team Ireland and while her teammates are on their High School hiatus, Jill will practice and play with Sodium to help stay in shape. I'm sure the team will welcome her with open arms and do anything they can to make her stay with us a pleasant one.
Looks like the fall schedules have yet to be posted so keep an eye peeled for any developments.
Looking forward to a great fall season!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Sodium, more than just a pretty face
In an act of kindness that exhibits just how great these young ladies are, our own Erika Cook took it upon herself to help out those in need. Erika involved herself in program called Passback that helps out sports teams in need. (Equipment mainly)
Below is a copy of an email sent to Doug Angell (THUSC President) as an update;
I just wanted to give you a brief update on the Passback project.
Other than telling Erika to move all the gear out of my entry hall into a less obtrusive location...I had my first involvement this weekend as I transported the donated items to Salem.
Jim and Robin Schaal (President and Registrar) of Central Coast Soccer Association in Newport, OR that Erika selected to be the recipients of the gear drove to Salem to watch Erika try out for ODP and receive everything this morning. Up until Thursday...they had no clue that Erika was not an adult and were quite tickled that a 13 year old would go to this much effort to help other kids play soccer.
Jim and Robin are retired. They live in the bay area from Nov-Mar and spend Apr-Oct at their beach house in Newport. When they first moved to Newport a few years ago, they discovered that this rec club in Newport was very close to dissolving. There were fewer than 70 kids playing soccer and the club had no money. Their oldest son (now 36) had been a competitive soccer player in his youth and Jim helped organize a trip to Europe for his team when he was in high school, so they were passionate about reviving this program for this community. Because the population of this community is seasonal and many of the year round residents work in the hospitality industry, the average household income is less than $25 K/Year. These families have a hard time paying registration fees of less than $45/season and the the Schaal's have worked tirelessly to ensure that no child is turned away for lack of ability to pay. The club now has over 350 kids playing soccer each fall and an entire team drives up from Florence, OR just to play games. Items like cleats and balls have been luxuries for many of these kids and the coaches do not have pinnies, cones, etc. The club actually applied for assistance from Passback almost 18 months ago and had not had any response until Erika contacted them in June with her plan to collect the used soccer gear.
This morning...thanks to the generosity of THUSC parents and coaches...Erika was able to give them:
28 pair cleats
12 pair shin guards
Goalie Gloves
Goalie Jerseys
Ball Pumps
28 asst color pinnies
58 asst cones
28 asst size soccer balls
7 pr shorts
In addition to their admiration of Erika's efforts...the Schaal's also thank THUSC for allowing her collect these items on their behalf. They plan to send a thank you to the club, place a story on their club website about THUSC and they have plans to put an article in the local newspaper. Since our collections schedule was shortened with the unexpected Sodium trip to Virginia, I have promised the Schaal's that if there are additional items donated, I will commit to getting them delivered to Newport.
I have attached a picture of Erika and her teammates Laura C and Taylor M with all the gear this morning.
Erika is a true testament to the makeup of the Sodium team, and an outstanding individual. Thank you Erika.
The team and fans scream; GO ERIKA!